Friday, December 21, 2007

When is it time to retire?

I haven't even started teaching yet, and already I am wondering about when I should retire! It's not that I am burned out or anything....

I went to my Mom and Dad's house because they finally got high-speed internet. I set up a gmail account for my Mom so she can start e-mail her lovely daughter, and we sat down so I could teacher her how to use it. I was SHOCKED to find out that my intelligent mother doesn't even know how to double click. I felt like I got punched in the gullet. When I asked her what was wrong with her (it wasn't quite worded that way), she said she has never had to use a computer. She taught for 37 years and said she knew it was time to retire when her 5 year old students knew more about computers than she did (like how to turn them on and off).

Students in my classroom know more about computers than I do, so is it time for me to retire?

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