Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cell Phones Save the Day!!!

I am pretty critical of cell phones and how they are used. There is nothing that infuriates me more than hearing a phone ring in class or listening to people talk on their phone in the bathroom. Furthermore, I usually do not find cell phones to be appropriate in schools, but I have had to warm up to their presence as my placement school has pretty lax rules on cell phone use.
I can't stand it when I see students text messaging in class, taking pictures instead of doing work, or leaving the room to make a phone call. However, today in class, cell phones saved my lesson. I had to teach a lesson where students had to do simple calculations that required the use of calculators, but no one had calculators. I had that panic moment where I thought - oh holy s--t, what am I going to do? A student must have noticed my panic stricken face because he said "why don't we use our cell phones? They have calculators." Brilliant. Most of the kids, or at least one in every pair, had cell phone and were able to make the calculations. Maybe cell phones aren't so bad after all?!


Liz Kolb, Ph.D. said...

Nice job "thinking outside the box" to save the lesson! I appreciate your candor in how you feel about cell phones in the schools and yet your willingness to use the tool when you found a need.

Anna Lind said...

My mentor teacher took a poll in one of his classes the other day, and 35 of the 36 students had cell phones. (The one who did not wanted one, but his parents did not allow it.) I think knowing this "backup" technology is available is a nice option to have in the classroom - assuming the students understand that the phones are "backups," not everyday occurrences.

Katie Z. said...

Wow, interesting story! I feel like I am a hypocrite because I too am addicted to text messaging...but I HATE it when I see students doing it! I can't even tell you how many students I see texting when my mentor is speaking. However, I like seeing the way you were willing to incorporate a tool that is so much a part of a student's daily life into your lesson when you were faced with a problem!